New Patients

Need to schedule your first appointment? Call 419-475-4449. Access Center Hours: Mon-Wed 8 am-7 pm; Thurs 8 am-6 pm; Fri 8 am-5 pm. Please allow 24 business hours for email response.


Existing Patients

Need to make or cancel an appointment? Need to refill a prescription? Please call the location you visit. Click below for the phone number.

Location Directory

Other Inquiries

For all other questions or requests. This email is monitored periodically and we will respond to your inquiry soon.

Prescription Refills

Need a prescription refill? Call your pharmacy first. If no refills are available at your pharmacy, please call 419-475-4449. Please allow 5 business days prior to needing prescription refill.



  • Anger Management
  • Caring Connections (Adult Day Treatment)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • LGBTQIA Groups
  • Mindfulness and Movement
  • Self-Esteem Groups
  • Social Support and Life Guidance
  • The Connection Corner
  • Wellness Group
  • Wellness Initiative for Senior Education (WISE)
  • Women Supporting Women


  • Adulting 101
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Clinic
  • Building Social Skills Using LEGO-Based Therapy
  • Families and Communities Enhancing Stability (FACES)
  • Intensive Behavior Treatment (IBT)
  • OhioRise Care Coordination
  • S.T.E.P.S. After School Day Treatment Program
  • S.T.E.P.S. Summer Day Treatment Program
  • Transition to Independence Process (TIP)


  • Coping Without Cannabis
  • Dual Recovery
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  • New Awareness Program
  • Outpatient Detox
  • 7 Challenges
  • Substance Use Disorder Aftercare
  • Surviving and Thriving - Women's Trauma Group
  • Women's Residential Treatment Programs


  • CareerLink
  • Career Services Program
  • Hamilton County Youth Employment Program (YEP)
  • Individual Placement Support (IPS)
  • Lucas County Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP)
  • Summer Youth Services
  • Work Experience Program (WEP)

For detailed information see individual cards below

Adulting 101

Thursdays at 22nd Street Location

This group is intended to provide a space to work on gaining skills necessary to succeed as an adult. Participants will gain listening and communication, interviewing and conflict resolution skills. They will also learn appropriate social media usage, time management and how to connect with others.

For ages 17-1/2 to 23

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Teens
Anger Management

Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays at Commerce Drive Location, North Prospect Street Location

This program is designed for adults who have difficulty managing feelings, have experienced negative consequences after losing control of their anger, and want to learn healthy ways to manage anger or aggressive behaviors.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Clinic

Monday - Friday at Port Sylvania Drive Location

This clinic which is offered by our Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics team is for children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 1:1 intervention is offered and is overseen by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). The program accepts Medicaid with the hope of accepting additional insurances soon. For 2-5 years old.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information or click here.

Building Social Skills using LEGO-based therapy

Wednesdays at Port Sylvania Drive Location

This group will address social skills that include:

  • Meeting new people
  • Taking turns
  • Waiting patiently
  • Problem solving
  • Coping skills
  • And more

This group is for children in grades 2-6 (or in that developmental range).

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Career Services Program

Monday-Friday at 13th Street Location

Program for individuals 18 and older who are unemployed or underemployed and are seeking job opportunities. Must meet eligibility criteria.

The program includes:

  • Job search
  • Career counseling
  • Supportive services: uniforms, resume writing, transportation assistance, budgeting, and more.

For more information, call 567-203-4065 or click here.


Monday-Friday at 13th Street Location

Employment program for those who are in recovery or dealing with an opiate addiction.

We can help with:

  • Identifying interests, abilities and skills
  • Help with training or schooling
  • Developing a resume
  • Interviewing skills
  • And more

For more information click here.

Adults Seniors
Caring Connections (Adult Day Treatment)

Monday - Friday at Woodley Road Location, Devlac Grove Location, Services via telehealth

Adult Day Treatment (ADT) is a group where clients can learn about improving coping strategies, building effective daily living skills, stabilizing symptoms, improving socialization, using more effective communication, and regulating their emotions. Part of day treatment includes learning more about symptoms and/or diagnoses, including substance use diagnoses, so that clients can develop more specific skills that they can use to feel more successful. This group includes many different types of activities, from hands on learning, arts/crafts, games, and educational material.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information or click here.

Adults Seniors
Coping Without Cannabis

Thursdays at Woodley Road Location

This group will focus on support and education for those struggling with cannabis use and identifying barriers to recovery.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills (DBT)

Thursdays at North Prospect Street Location

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a skill building program that was developed by a clinical psychologist to help people in distress.

This group will focus on developing and strengthening mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness skills.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Dual Recovery

Mondays & Fridays at Woodley Road Location, Services via telehealth

This is a Hybrid group (in-person and virtual)

The focus of this group is on how mental health plays into addiction while identifying coping skills and maintaining sobriety.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Families And Communities Enhancing Stability (FACES)

Located at 22nd Street Location

This initiative assesses Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in 43605 and 43607 zip codes.

It provides positive social experiences that will counteract the negative impact of ACEs which can lead to poor adult health.

For more information, click here or call 419-725-8604.

Teens Children
Hamilton County Youth Employment Program (YEP)

Monday-Friday at Cincinnati Vocational Office

Provides subsidized employment, job skills, and opportunities for career development and credentialing to eligible youth ages 14-21 in Hamilton County.

For more information call 513-694-0601, email or click here.

Adults Teens
Individual Placement Support (IPS)

Monday-Friday at Devlac Grove Location, Woodley Road Location

This program helps clients who are receiving mental health and or substance use treatment explore careers, gain employment, and identify preferences, interests, and personal goals.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider. For more information, call 419-708-0288 or click here.

Adults Seniors
Intensive Behavior Treatment (IBT)

Located at 22nd Street Location

This is a behavior-based treatment program for individuals from infancy through late adolescence.

Treatment can be for:

  • Toilet training
  • Feeding/eating intervention
  • Behavior modification
  • And more

For more information, click here or call 567-408-7242

Teens Children
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Days vary per location at Woodley Road Location, North Prospect Street Location, Commerce Drive Location, Services via telehealth

This program is in-person or virtual.

Structured individual and group treatment that meets 3-4 days per week. This program provides those in early recovery with support, structure, education, and communication skills while working through early stages of recovery.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information or click here.

Adults Seniors

Tuesdays & Thursdays (varies by location) at 22nd Street Location, The Connection Center

This group focuses on sexual identity and the relational and social struggles that individuals of the LGBTQIA community may face. This group is appropriate for LGBTQIA clients and for all clients exploring sexuality.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Lucas County Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP)

Monday-Friday at Lucas County Shared Services Building

This program helps young people ages 14-21 in-school or out-of-school with education, job skills/coaching and employment who meet eligibility criteria.

For more information, call 567-203-4040, email or click here.

Adults Teens
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Monday-Friday at Woodley Road Location, North Prospect Street Location, Wyandot County Location

Overall addiction treatment program that includes counseling, sober support meetings, and medication management appointments. The Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) program treats addictions including but not limited to the following substances: alcohol, opiates (prescription medications, heroin, fentanyl), benzodiazepines, cocaine, methamphetamines, marijuana/THC.

For more information click here.

Adults Seniors
Mindfulness and Movement

Thursdays at Woodley Road Location

This group will focus on:

  • Mindfulness
  • Relaxation
  • Stress Management
  • Physical and Mental Wellness

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
New Awareness Program

Monthly at North Prospect Street Location, Commerce Drive Location

An education and diversion program for adolescents and adults to assist with substance related offenses.

For more information click here.

Adults Seniors
OhioRISE Care Coordination

Located at CME Service Counties - OhioRISE Care Coordination

Harbor is the Care Management Entity (CME) through OhioRISE for children, youth and families in 11 counties.

For more information or to submit your referral click here.

Adults Teens Children
Outpatient Detox

Monday-Friday at Woodley Road Location, North Prospect Street Location

Walk-in outpatient detoxification program providing withdrawal management, support and education for drug and alcohol recovery.

For more information click here.

Adults Seniors
S.T.E.P.S. After School Day Treatment Program

Monday-Thursday at 22nd Street Location

This program will focus on Self-esteem, Teamwork, Expression, Problem-solving and Socialization. Transportation is provided. Medicaid and other payer sources accepted.

For ages 7-17.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider. For more information, click here or call 419-475-4449.

Teens Children
S.T.E.P.S. Summer Day Treatment Program

Monday-Friday at 22nd Street Location

June 3 to August 23, 2024

This program will focus on Self-esteem. Teamwork, Expression, Problem-solving and Socialization. Transportation is provided.

For ages 7-17.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information or call 419-241-6191.

Teens Children
Self-esteem Group

Tuesdays at Woodley Road Location

A co-ed group for 18 years and older that offers skills and strategies to help improve your overall opinion of yourself for a healthier self-esteem. You will learn skills that lead you to feel more assertive, confident, and empowered.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Teens Seniors
Self-esteem Women's Group

Thursdays at Woodley Road Location, Services via telehealth

This is a Hybrid group (in-person and virtual)

An outpatient group for women focused on building self-esteem and self-worth.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Social Support and Life Guidance

Mondays at Woodley Road Location

This group provides a safe space to share relatable experiences for adults 18 years and older. Suggested topics from group members will drive a concentrated focus into specific areas of daily life and mental health.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Substance Use Disorder Aftercare

Days vary per location at North Prospect Street Location, Woodley Road Location, Services via telehealth

This group provides those who have extended sobriety time with continued support and education.

Advantages of an Aftercare Group:

  • Helps you achieve your goals
  • You are more likely to recognize your behavioral triggers and respond to them in a healthy way
  • Build sober support

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Summer Youth Services - Career Connections

Monday-Friday at Woodley Road Location, Defiance Location, Findlay Vocational Office, Oak Harbor Vocational Office, Cincinnati Vocational Office

A 5-week paid work experience summer program for youth ages 14-24 who are referred by Opportunity for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD).

For more information click here.

Adults Teens
Surviving and Thriving Women's Trauma Group

Fridays at Services via telehealth

This is a virtual-telehealth group using Microsoft Teams for women.

This 8 to 12 weeks group will utilize evidenced based model Seeking Safety to assist clients who have struggled with both trauma and substance use.

You do not have to be enrolled in Substance Use Disorder treatment to attend.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
The Connection Corner (a men's support group)

Thursdays at Woodley Road Location

This group will focus on:

  • Social anxiety
  • Coping skills
  • Supporting each other
  • Meeting new people in a safe environment

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
The Seven Challenges®

Thursdays at Commerce Drive Location

This is a substance use group for adolescents.

The focus of this group includes:

  • Empowering adolescents to think for themselves, develop a cognitive decision-making model, and apply thinking skills
  • Identifying what changes they want to make and develop the tools to be successful
  • Enhancing motivation and commitment to change substance use

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Transition to Independence Process (TIP)

Located at North Prospect Street Location, Commerce Drive Location

This program assists individuals age 14-29 who have emotional/behavioral difficulties making a successful transition into adulthood. TIP offers support groups, residential programs, and intensive case management services.

For more information click here.

Adults Teens
Wellness Group

Tuesdays at North Prospect Street Location, Services via telehealth

This is a Hybrid group (in-person and virtual)

The focus will be on the following:

  • Understanding the need for balance between emotional, physical, social and more
  • Learning more about personal domains of life
  • Implementing and holding to boundaries
  • Utilizing new coping skills

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Wellness Initiative for Senior Education (WISE)

Days vary at

A six lesson educational program for older adults age 55+.

This program is designed to help older adults celebrate healthy aging, make healthy lifestyle choices and avoid substance use.

For more information, click here or call 419-469-9019.

Women Supporting Women

Tuesdays & Thursdays at Woodley Road Location, Services via telehealth

This is a Hybrid group (in-person and virtual)

An outpatient group for women focused on building healthy social connections and relationships as well as building coping skills.

If interested, contact your Harbor provider for more information.

Adults Seniors
Women's Residential Treatment Programs

24/7 at Port Sylvania Drive Location, Devlac Grove Location

24/7 residential treatment program for women 18 and older who are struggling with addiction. Children ages 0-5 can stay with their mother during care.

For more information call 419-352-6460 or click here.

Adults Seniors
Work Experience Program (WEP)

Monday-Friday at 13th Street Location, Elyria Vocational Office, Painesville Vocational Office

Employment services to help individuals become gainfully employed.

For more information, click here.

Everyone needs help sometimes.