Ensures that participants become familiar with workplace expectations and exhibit work behavior and attitudes necessary to compete successfully in the labor market.
Work Experience Program participants work for their benefits at job sites in public, private-non-profit or private-for-profit organizations in order to gain work experience and training.
Individuals who meet eligibility (i.e. cash assistance) must be referred from Job & Family Services. Once enrolled, participants will obtain services that will help build skills, prepare and search for employment.
- Career Exploration
- Employment Planning
- How to complete job applications and develop a resume
- Work Readiness preparation
- Time Management and Scheduling
The WEP Program will also link participants to community resources for Substance Use Treatment, Primary Care and Mental Health Services.
If you are interested in participating, Call
Lucas County: 567-200-2233
Lorain County: 440.534.9600
Lake County: 440.210.9807
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