CCMEP serves individuals between the ages of 14 and 24 who meet eligibility criteria. The individuals are provided tools, resources, and support needed to succeed in education, help build their career paths, and find employment.
Services include:
- Assist youth with alternative secondary school services or dropout recovery services
- Tutoring and study training
- Paid and unpaid work experiences
- Occupational skills training
- Leadership development
- Adult mentoring
- Comprehensive guidance
- Financial literacy
- Transition to post-secondary education and training
- Additional support services to help with transportation costs, uniforms, work tools, etc.
Who is eligible?
You are eligible to participate in CCMEP if one of the following applies
- a single parent or pregnant
- classified as low-income
- have a previous conviction
- experiencing homelessness
- in foster care
For referrals or if you are interested in participating, call 419-429-8029 or 419-360-5489
This program is funded through Hancock County Jobs and Family Services.
Related Services
Vocational Rehabilitation and Career Services
Adults Teens SeniorsHarbor has a wide range of vocational programs that assist individuals age 14+ with career assessment, job seeking and interview skills training, and job coaching for successful employment placement based on individual strengths and interests.
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